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Selectmen Minutes 07/24/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 24, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.   Selectman MacCleery was excused.   

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector; David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien; Fire Chief, John Uitts: Deputy Fire Chief; John Martell; Emergency Management Director

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.  

HYW –   The Road Agent reported that the Center Road reconstruction project is progressing.  The tree cutting and ditching were currently being completed.  Culvert replacement has not begun.  Communications with CLD Engineering are ongoing but no site visits have taken place as yet.  

The new loader should arrive next Monday.  The company has provided one for the town to use in the interim.

BI – Mr. Paveglio reported he has inspected damage to the railing by a motor vehicle at the library, per the librarian’s request.  A copy of the report was submitted to the Selectmen and the library.

Mr. Paveglio reported there are four issued building permits due to expire in October should no building commence on these parcels.  

Clarification was made as to the requirement pursuant to RSA 674:21, for the collection of all impact fees by the building inspector, must be at the time of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.  

The Selectmen informed Mr. Paveglio, they have sought advice from town counsel regarding the apparent construction of a duplex on King Road.   

FD – Chief Vien provided the Board with a copy of a letter he received from the Fire Warden concerning his authority as a Deputy Warden to issue burn permits.  Chief Vien acknowledges this was a temporary arrangement due to the loss of several members in March and the Warden does have the authority to take that responsibility away from him.  Chief Vien will not issue further permits without the consent of the Fire Warden.  

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BOS minutes
July 24, 2007

In reading RSA 227-L: 7, the law states in towns where the Fire Chief is not the Fire Warden, the Chief must be a Deputy Warden.  What was not clear is whether or not that appointment is limited in the scope of duties.  Lisa was directed to contact Forest Ranger Miner for clarification.    

Chief Vien reported his intention to attend a Leadership and Administration Class presented by the York County Chiefs Association in Wells, ME to take place in September.  It is unclear at this point if the Deputy Chief will be attending as well.

Deputy Chief Uitts provided the Board and Department Heads with the application and information packets pertaining to the upcoming Incident Command training required for all emergency personnel in order for the town to continue to be in compliance for FEMA funding.

Deputy Chief Uitts also provided the Board with a draft copy of the Fire Department Operations, Organization and SOP manual for the Board’s and town counsel review prior to adoption.

PD – In lieu of Chief Clarke’s presence, TA Stevens reported that Patrolman Seluk has been placed on light duty.  

Chief Clarke is requesting the use of the Grange Hall in case of inclement weather on Sunday for a family event.  The Board denied this request due to the current suspension of use for the main hall of the Grange for private social events.  

At the request of NH Fish & Game, an additional letter was drafted and signed for clarification that the Board of Selectmen consented to the matching OHRV Grant awarded to the police department and authorized in writing by the Chairman of the Board.

SUBJECT: Deputy Forest Fire Warden Appointments
PRESENT: Matt Cole, George Cooper

Mr. Cole inquired as to the status of his appointment as a Deputy Fire Warden.  The Selectmen informed him the Board made a decision to not make any additional appointments at this time.  The Board re-visited this issue at the request of the Forest Fire Warden and did not change that decision. The decision stands to not change the status quo at this time.

Mr. Cole reported he is working on the completion of outfitting the military vehicle.  Mr. Cooper took responsibility for having been given the directive to complete the outfitting and not getting it done.

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BOS minutes
July 24, 2007

SUBJECT: Chichester Country Store
PRESENT: Brandon Giuda

Mr. Giuda came before the Board to request an additional six month extension to his discontinued use of the Chichester Country Store.  Mr. Giuda currently has the property under contract and this extension will allow for the use to continue until the completion of that transaction.  

The Board will seek advice from town counsel as to whether or not the Selectmen have the authority per the town’s zoning ordinance, to grant an additional extension and provide a response to Mr. Giuda at the next meeting of the Board.  



A memo was received from the Planning Board requesting a sixty day extension for the approval of the application submitted from Hillcrest Self Storage due to the delay for permitting from the State.  The Board granted the extension.

The Board reviewed a request from the Cub Scouts to continue use of the Grange Hall for their monthly pack meetings.  The discussion for use of the Grange Hall for private functions was tabled until a full Board was present.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Chucksters regarding guidance for business extension plans.  The Board directed Lisa to respond to owner Mark Blasko and direct him to the Planning Board.


A draft copy of the Town Personnel and Guidelines was reviewed and amended.  Discussion arose about the applicability to elected and appointed officials.  Town counsel
will be forwarded the document for review and clarification prior to final approval of the policies.

The Board directed Lisa to send a reminder to departments regarding the deadline for the CIP updates.

The Board discussed the Selectmen updates for the CIP, heating/cooling system for the Grange Building and additional flat files for storage of plats.

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BOS minutes
July 24, 2007

The vacancies on the Conservation Commission were tabled.  

The Board tabled the discussion on Impact Fees and scheduling a joint meeting with the Planning Board for discussion on such.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The remaining mail was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of July 17, 2007 as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:20PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery


                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN